Lake District – 2 Weeks

Start exploring Chile’s vibrant wine scene with urban vinotecas and vineyards in the shadow of the Andes.

The Itinerary


From Santiago drive directly to the Conguillío National Park in Temuco, one of the most popular parks in Chile mainly due to his imposing volcano and wild life variety. Driving south, you will find Villarrica and Pucón, both places marked by the German influence, and located on the shore of Villarrica Lake. You can find good food, hot springs and amazing nature and parks as the Huerquehue National Park.


Head to the Seven Lakes District, considered as one of the main attractions in the South of Chile. This region of seven lakes divided between Chile and Argentina have amazing spots to go fishing, trekking, swimming and way more activities!

The Seven Lakes are : Panguipulli, Calafquén, Riñihue, Pirihueico, Neltume, Pellaifa and Pullinque.


From Pucón, you can also cross the border to San Martin de los Andes and drive South to Bariloche where more amazing lakes are waiting for you. You can cross back to Chile through Villa Angostura and get to Osorno. On your way, don’t miss the amazing Puyehue National Park.

Between Osorno and Puerto Varas, lots of nice stops are all along the way: the towns of Llanquihue and Frutillar located on the edge of the Llanquihue lake that share the german influence and tradition. There, you can practice water skiing, swimming, sport fishing, sailing or windsurf. The lake is located near the route you must follow if you want to go to Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park, which has eight routes for trekking.


The Spot


The Map


The Roadtrip


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